You’ve heard it before—times are changing. We don’t go to the movies as often, dining out has become a weekly treat, and running to the grocery store is becoming a thing of the past. The world has evolved, for better or worse, depending on who you ask. Now, all of these activities can be done right from the comfort of your couch, using nothing more than your mobile phone.
As we navigate this digital age, expectations are shifting, and businesses are doing everything they can to stay ahead of the curve. I wouldn’t want to be in the satellite TV business right now.
In this new era, guests expect convenience at their fingertips—not just in their daily lives but even more so when they’re on vacation, where relaxation is the goal.
Where Are Hotels on the Curve?
Let’s talk about landlines. You probably removed them from your home years ago, so why are they still in hotel rooms? The struggle of figuring out which button to press or which number to dial is all too familiar. Waiting for someone to pick up or being rerouted is a hassle—especially when all you want is for the sleeper couch to be made up while you’re out at dinner. There’s a reason the world has moved on from landlines; why hasn’t your hotel?
Then there are directories. They’re supposed to be the centerpiece of a guest’s stay, the one-stop shop for all the information they need. But if guests aren’t aware of the facilities like your spa or salon, what’s the point? Why invest in these facalities if they’re underutilized because guests don’t know they exist?
How to Stay Ahead
By now, the point should be clear. A new breed of tech-savvy travelers has emerged, and they expect hotels to keep up with technology. Even older generations are now proficient with social media and mobile devices—two essentials for today’s hoteliers.
A guest’s mobile phone should be their easy, one-stop shop for everything they need during their stay. The world has embraced this shift, and it’s time your hotel does too.
Guest apps, like The Intelligent Guest (just as an example, wink wink), combine the best aspects of easy communication and accessible information for your guests. Imagine a hotel where guests can order room service, request housekeeping, or chat with the front desk—all from their phone, without ever picking up a landline. This level of convenience not only meets guest expectations but also creates a more engaging and personalized experience.
In the highly competitive hospitality industry, staying ahead of guest expectations isn’t just about keeping up; it’s about leading the way.